Sunday, July 29, 2012

Abra Cadabra… Manifest Now!

Manifest Now!

Wouldn’t you love it? To say those magical words and …. Poof – there is that thing you wanted!

So… How come it doesn’t work like that?

Well … actually it can and does …. And you don’t even need to say the magical words to have it happen… But…. You do have to do a magic act .

Magic? I don’t know how to do magic…

Sure you do … and it comes so easy to you – you aren’t even aware that you do it! What about the time you were thinking about a person … maybe you were thinking I haven’t spoken to so-n-so in awhile – I wonder how they are? And then Poof – the phone rings and it is that person on the phone. Magic!

I just had this happen twice last week with 2 different people. It happens often and we call it a coincidence and we don’t think much about it.

OK … so it’s not really magic but it is indeed instant manifestation. I talk about this in a recent post – the frog on the lilly pad … and in the comments area I told the story about a swan.

“I had no ties to this manifestation. It was not important to me …. I was not worried about not seeing a frog on a lilly pad …. I didn’t have any old stories attached to seeing a frog on a lilly pad – Nothing in my belief system said it was not possible for me to see this frog. I didn’t have any fear or doubt or worry attached to this outcome. It was kinda like – Wouldn’t it be nice to see a frog on a lilly pad …. And then I let it go … “

There is the Magic

I wasn’t attached to the outcome … No fear or worry attached to it … I didn’t have any “old stories” in my beliefs that said I could or couldn’t see that frog — I also didn’t have any “old stories” attached to the outcome of the people I was thinking about…..  and Poof – Instant Manifestation!

The Magic is not have any attachment to the outcome and just letting it all go. Having a desire – feeling the joy of that desire and not getting caught up in the ‘I have to have this’ – ‘if this doesn’t happen I will be devastated’ – ‘I’m worried that this might not happen’… Or the most blatant killer of magic …. ‘This could never happen for me’.

Easier Said Than Done

I agree … it sure feels easy to say “let it go” than if feels to do it! Some will even tell you your brain is wired to not let it go. Well that isn’t 100% true. Children let it go all the time … they daydream – they talk about big ideas – grand adventures – and you see the pleasure they derive from it in their eyes! …And sure enough there is those adults starting to tell them — to settle – to find something that will make them money… Many adults will eventually tell these kids to not dream so big!

You were wired to Dream BIG! And you have been taught, actually programmed away from doing that! Those are the “old stories” I talk so much about! No – I’m not beating up on the adults … they too, have been programmed away from their natural state of dreaming big!

How does this all work:

The Universe is set up to bring to you what your vibration is calling for. That is the Law of Attraction at work. Your brain is set up to keep you within your belief systems. If you have a desire to be wildly successful in your career … but you have a belief (an old story) that tells you that will never happen for you. You have a conflict going on!

You need to get your vibration and your brain on the same path!

Let me show you how powerful your vibration and your brain working together is. Watch this short video and follow along with me:

Did you go beyond the first spot? I’m going to say you did … (let me know in the comments). Why is that? Didn’t you go as far as you could the first time?

Here is what happened:

You set out an intention… which created a vibration….You visualized that intention happening… which told your brain what you wantedAnd in less than 3 minutes it manifested!

You didn’t have any “old stories” that told you – you couldn’t do this. So this intention was not in conflict with your beliefs. Your vibration (Law of Attraction) and your brain were on the same path … and you quickly and easily manifested what you wanted!

You ought to be doing the Happy Dance right now… realizing how powerful you are … how easily you can indeed create what you want!

The Magic:

The magic happens when your vibration and beliefs are on the same path. If you aren’t seeing what you want manifest in your life … You need to start checking your beliefs. Start telling new stories about your life! In the video I asked you to see what you wanted … know it … feel it. Bring those qualities to the desires you want to manifest.

Talk more about what works then what doesn’t work…. The more you make a big deal about what works in your life … the more you shift those old stories … you rewire your brain to believe that things always work out for you!

Use your magic – Abra Cadabra! ;)

Let me know if you did this exercise and any questions or comments you have in the comment section below!


Ellie Walsh Living the Law of Attraction


"There are No Mistakes..... Only Discoveries!" TM ~ Ellie Walsh


Tagged as: intention, Law of Attraction, magic, manifest, rewire brain, vibration, Visualize

View the original article here

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