Monday, July 30, 2012

The “New Normal”….

Post image for The “New Normal”….

A week ago … We returned from a 10 day Abraham-Hicks Panama Canal Cruise. It was a wonder-filled experience… There we were in this warm tropical climate being treated like royalty on the Holland America cruise line…. surrounded by many like-minded people … and to top it off we had 12-13 hours of Abraham workshops.

I would call it Spectacular! Should I call it “Normal”?

Early in the workshops a gentleman who was in the hot seat started to describe a process he does with a group and he said the results were miraculous. Abraham picked right up on that word *Miraculous* …. I am not quoting them here … as I am coming from my memory …  from my perception of the conversation …. They were questioning why we would label things a *miracle* — in essence they said calling something a *miracle* is saying it should have never happened… Yet we say we believe we can create anything….

Immediately I had the Ah Hah … the Ah Hah of how we lower our expectations …. we don’t expect super duper things to happen … Yet we say we do….

We say things like:

“I want my friend to be cured of cancer” and when she is … we call it a “miracle”“I want that job” … and when we get it … we call it a miracle! “There were so many applicants it was a miracle I got that job!”

Abraham always says:

“You can Be, Do or Have Anything You Desire”

Do we really believe that? Can we believe that and at the same time call something a miracle?

Today I went onto my facebook page and asked the question “What is a Miracle?” – You can see all the responses at the page –

There are no right or wrong answers as each person is sharing their own unique perspective…

These last few years I don’t usually call things a miracle anymore… just because I am aware that anything… anything is possible… But I do still call things “spectacular, awesome, glorious” … Abraham also poked at these types of words during our days together….

No Abraham wasn’t beating up on our vocabulary … for me, they were making a Big point … The point being that we have a tendency Not to expect Miraculous, Spectacular, Awesome, Glorious things happening in our lives… we have a tendency to lower our expectations….


Well what if I expect these Glorious things to happen … and they don’t… then I would be devastated… So I will lower my expectations and avoid being hurt… But aren’t you really disappointed anyways … and what if by lowering my expectations I lowered my vibration??!!

So did that Glorious thing not happen because it would have been a Miracle …. or did it not happen because I didn’t vibrate it…. I didn’t expect it??!  (You will always get what you expect)

Little children expect what we adults would call *miracles* …. yet if they do not see that exact thing happening they are not devastated… they don’t feel unworthy… and their next wish is another one of those *miracles* ….

I’m not saying they don’t protest when they don’t get what they want … but when they are young (before we have taught them other reactions) – they recover quickly…

Why aren’t they devastated like we adults are? … Because they are not tied to the details of the desire….

Stay with me here … cause this is Big ….
They are not stuck on how this *miraculous* thing has to look … They are not attached to the details…. they are attached to the feeling of *miraculous* … they are attached to their belief that life is supposed to be Spectacular, Miraculous, Awesome & Glorious!

Children have higher expectations of life than adults do. I know… I can hear some of you saying … “Well they can believe it all they want but many still do not get it.” I would question that … Have you ever seen the absolute thrill in a child’s face the first time they ride a bike? … or when a puppy kisses their face? …. or the first time they go to the zoo? … or even when they are happily off in the room playing by themselves? …. Glorious, Spectacular………

What Abraham finally said was how we should start seeing these *miraculous* things as normal … the new normal!

Think of it … If we can Be, Do or Have anything we want… then that is normal …

We call the birth of babies a *miracle* … Here is this miraculous moment…. one in thousands when you are conceived…. We call that a miracle…. Then there is a gestation period… And then there is this *miracle* birth… The *miracle* of life ….

Life is a *Miracle* …. yet it happens throughout the day …. all day every day …. so we also consider it *Normal*

A Miracle is Normal!

I’m not suggesting you change your vocabulary …. because we use these words to describe our excitement about a situation …. we use them to display how happy we are …

I am suggesting you look at your expectations about your life … and start to upgrade your expectations! Start to expect these *miracles* in your life…. That is the New Normal! ;)


Ellie Walsh Living the Law of Attraction


"There are No Mistakes..... Only Discoveries!" TM ~ Ellie Walsh


Tagged as: Abraham Hicks, expectation, Law of Attraction, miracles, miraculous, normal, vibration

View the original article here

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